FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) část 1

FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) část 1

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FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) část 1

  • Jak dlouho trvá? (asi 3 až 5 minut)

  • Ukázka, jak  FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) probíhá:


Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is ……….. and this is my colleague ….
And your names are?
Can I have your mark sheets, please? (mark sheets = list na zaznamenávání hodnocení, který dostane před části speaking). Thank you


First of all, we’d like to know something about you.
teď následují otázky na oba kandidáty:

  • Where are you from?
  • And you?
  • What do you like about living (in Olomouc)?
  • And what about you?


Následují otázky, které většinou jsou z těchto okruhů:

Likes and dislikes

  • What kind of music do you listen to? (When do you listen to music?)
  • Do you enjoy watching films?(Tell us about a film you’ve enjoyed recently.)
  • What is your favourite part of the day? (Why?)
  • Do you enjoy shopping? (What sort of things do you not enjoy buying?)


Leisure time/Free time

  • Do you spend most of your free time on your own or with friends? (What do you usually do?)
  • Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time? (Why?)
  • Are you an active person in your free time? (What sort of things do you do?)
  • When did you last play a sport? (What was it?)


Work and education

  • Do you think you will use English a lot in the future? (In what ways?)
  • What other languages would you like to learn? (Why?)


Personal experience

  • Do you enjoy buying presents for people?(Is it ever difficult to buy for someone?)
  • What was the best present you received recently? (Who gave it to you?)
  • What is your favourite time of year? (Why?)
  • Do you think you will always have the same friends? (Why/why not?)

FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.2


Science and techonology

  • How much do you use the Internet? (What do you use it for?)
  • Do you enjoy playing computer games? (Why/Why not?)

Travel and holiday

  • What is your favourite place for a holiday? (Why?)
  • What do you enjoy doing on holiday?
  • Which country would you most like to visit? (Why?)
  • Do you prefer going on holiday in a small group or a large group? (Why?)

Daily life

  • Is your weekday routine different from your weekday routine? (In what ways?)
  • What do you look forward to at the end of the day? 


  • How much TV do you watch? (What kind of programs do you not enjoy?)
  • Do you buy magazines or newspapers reguraly? (Why/Why not?)


FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.3


Tipy k PET/FCE/CAE Speaking:

Neodpovídejte pouze jednou větou

  • např. na otázku: Where are you from? odpovězte: I’m from Olomouc. It’s a magnificient city in Moravia famous for its craft traditions

Na ano/ne otázky neodpovídejte pouze ano/ne

  • A: Do you like doing sports? B: Yes, I do, especially compúetitive sports like football or basketball because I’m very competitive and so I like to win

Snažte se nabídnout i více možností

  • A: What do you young people do in their free town in your town? B: They can visit one of three cinemas, go clubbing to one of famous Olomouc club, or they can enjoy walks and picnics in large parks

Pokud otázka začne: Tell us a little about ….mluvte déle

  • A: Tell us a little about your family. B: There are four of us/There’s just my father mother and me. I’m an only child (= jedináček)/I’ve got two older sisters. My mother is … and my father works as …

FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) ukázkové video č.4

Dávejte si pozor na časy (pomůcka: jakým časem se ptám, tak takovám (většinou) odpovídám)

  • A: Tell us about something, you really enjoyed doing recently. B: Last week I went shopping/jogging/swimmimg… with mx friend. It was a fantastic day. We really enjoyed ourselves.

Pozor na slovesa s předložkovou vazbou

  • A:Which do you prefer: reading books or watching television. B: I prefer reading books to watching TV. I especially like romantic books and thrillers.

Velmi často se vyskytují i otázky ohledně budoucnosti

  • A: What do you hope to do after leaving university? B: I’d like to travel to China and and so have a chance to put my knowledge from university into practice and probably I’m hoping to find a job there


Další FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English) tipy:

  • Vyvarujte se používání pouze přítomného a minulé času
  • Pokud jste otázku dobře neslyšeli nebo nerozuměli, požádejte o zopakování (např. Pardon?/Sorry, could you say that again?)
  • Poslouchejte i když se budou ptát vašeho kolegy. Může se stát, že se zeptají: And what about you?
  • Tvařte se sebevědomě a usmívejte se

Ukázka možných otázek + odpovědí

  • A: How long have you been studying English? B:I’ve been studying English for six years.
  • A: How do you think you will use English in the future? B: I think that my knowledge of English will help me to find a good job and so I may then use English at work. Also, I want to travel, and I think that I will use English abroad because people in many countries use English.
  • A: Do you speak any other languages? B: I am fluent (= mluvím plynně) in German and I speak Chinese a little

FCE Speaking (First Certificate in English)  ukázkové video č.5

Author: Je to boj

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